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    Man Dofbi

    Messages : 377
    Age : 110
    Date de naissance : 01/07/1913
    Profession : Lu ma ci xam ?
    Points : 5

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Man Dofbi 2007-04-14, 17:20

    Rappel du premier message :


    Dernière édition par le 2007-04-14, 17:26, édité 1 fois


    Messages : 16785

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Fatim 2007-04-30, 06:38

    20zero a écrit:Fatim tu recommences avec tes xouli beut et tes signe.laisses la souris et tapes sur le clavier


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    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Fatim 2007-04-30, 06:38

    really nice story !
    Man Dofbi

    Messages : 377
    Age : 110
    Date de naissance : 01/07/1913
    Profession : Lu ma ci xam ?
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    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Man Dofbi 2007-04-30, 07:04

    Nemam, comme c'est toi qui m'avais chassé de ce thread, je suis touché par ton acceuil si chaleureux.

    Fatim, toi beaucoup rire dé ! Xanaa tu as de belles dents ?

    Je n'ai pas de contes en wolof ou en français, mais je vais essayer de traduire.

    Messages : 982
    Age : 37
    Date de naissance : 07/05/1986
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    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par bint0705 2007-04-30, 07:13

    20zero a écrit:nos ancetres disaient cette verité "galou dof dou ter".alez y rek ce qui arrivera arrivera et gare a ceux qui ne s'y été pas dé j'en suis a a vos marques pret il ne me reste que le ne me donnerai pas la peine de vous traduire le lepp de mom dofbi,c'est plein de tric et de trac et aussi de troc,ya meme trec.mais si vous insistez je vous le traduit vite fait

    Teudd ci souf Teudd ci souf Teudd ci souf "galou dof dou ter" Teudd ci souf Teudd ci souf

    Messages : 1848
    Age : 33
    Date de naissance : 27/12/1990
    Profession : Etudiante
    Points : 11

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Kayla 2007-04-30, 07:36

    Man Dofbi a écrit:

    Fatim, toi beaucoup rire dé ! Xanaa tu as de belles dents ?

    Mo, salaw, reh gou bareh gui warou ko. beuñeume you xomate yoyou héhé

    Messages : 1848
    Age : 33
    Date de naissance : 27/12/1990
    Profession : Etudiante
    Points : 11

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Kayla 2007-04-30, 07:52

    Man Dofbi a écrit:


    A man had two wifes, one was called Rama and the other Bintou. They were living together in the same house. One day one wife was making the food and the following day it was the turn of the other. Bintou could not cook good and her husband was not happy with her. The second wife could make very nice food and her husband was always happy.

    Bintou got very jealous of Rama. And she started to do something very terrible. Do you know what?

    Anytime that Rama was making the food, Bintou was waiting for her to go to fetch water from the well. And than she was going to kitchen. She was opening the pan where the nice food of Rama was cooking and she was shitting in it. After she was putting the cover back and went away.

    Rama could not make nice food anymore. Anything she cooked, she had to throw it away because there was shit in it and she didn’t know where it was coming from. Her husband was not happy with her anymore. She became very sad. She could no longer sleep and she could not eat. She was crying all the time and she was getting thinner and thinner, so thin that she was almost a skeleton.

    Bintou, during that time was very happy.

    One day, when Rama was going to the market, she met an old woman.

    “What’s happening with you, Rama ?”, asked the old woman. “You used to be so happy and healthy and beautiful. What’s the matter?”

    Rama said : “I’m very sad because anytime that I make food, it tastes good and smells good until I go to the well to fetch water. But when I come back, the food smells shit and no one can it.”

    “I’m going to help you”, said the old woman. She gave her a horn. “Next time, when you’ll go to the well to fetch water, put this horn in your pan.”

    Rama went back home and started to cook. When came the time to go to the well and fetch water, she put the horn in the pan and went out.

    Bintou came to the kitchen, like usual, and open the pan. But when she put her ass above and wanted to shit, the horn jumped out of the pan and went into her ass. Paraggg!

    She ran out of the kitchen. But than, when she was walking, the horn inside her ass was screaming very loud, so that every could hear it : “Paramassagindang! Paramassagindang!”

    And when she was sitting or lying down, the horn was screaming: “Juungel! Juungel!”

    Everybody was asking her : “Hé, Bintou, what is it that is always following you and screaming so loud?” But she was never answering. She was avoiding people. That went on for days. She could not eat or sleep any more. She became thin like a skeleton.

    Rama, during those days, was making very nice food again. No more shit in her pan. She became very beautiful again and her husband was happy with her.

    Bintou, on her side, with the horn in her ass did not know what to do. One day she met the old woman who told her. : “Bintou, I know what you have and I can tell you how to make it stop.”

    “Oh, please tell me!”, begged Bintou.

    “There’s only one way to make it stop”, said the old woman, “You must call the whole village and say, in front of everybody, what you did for this to happen to you.”

    “In front of everybody? I would die of shame. Oh, please, old woman, find another solution.”

    “That’s the only solution”, repeated the old woman. “You are a jealous wife. And when jealousy make you do something ugly to someone else, the only right solution is shame.”

    Bintou went back home, even more sad than before. “How to call everybody and tell everything? No, I will not do that.” And she stayed with the horn screaming in her ass.


    After a few days, she couldn’t hold it any more and she called the whole village. Everybody came. She stood in the middle of the crowd and began to cry.

    “Why did you call us?” asked somebody.

    -I really cannot say it.

    - Than let us go back to our activities.

    - Oh no, please don’t go! I’m ashamed to say it but I must say it.

    And she went on crying. They thought she was crazy and started to leave. She ran to hold them and said : “Okey, I tell you now.”

    The people stopped. She hid her face in her hands and said: “Well, what happened is that I was doing something very bad… Oh how can I say it? … Please wait, don’t go. You know, anytime that Rama was making food, I was waiting until she went to the well to fetch water and than… and than… Oh please… I was going to the kitchen… O please don’t go… You must listen to me… I was going to the kitchen… I was opening the… Oh how can I say it ?”

    “you must say it” said the old woman, “otherwise, there will be always that horn in your ass”.

    Bintou recognize the voice of the old woman and got afraid. She said : “I was opening the pan and I was shitting in it.”

    Immediately, the horn came out of her ass and fell on the ground, in front of all the people.

    Her husband said to her: “Get out of my house, Bintou. I don’t want to be your husband anymore.”

    She went away very ashamed.

    Rama stayed, making nicer food and feeling happier and happier.

    Very funny. A nice way to start my day Cool
    txs Man Dofbi!!!
    Man Dofbi

    Messages : 377
    Age : 110
    Date de naissance : 01/07/1913
    Profession : Lu ma ci xam ?
    Points : 5

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Man Dofbi 2007-04-30, 09:40


    This is a story about a small girl named Sarah and a small lion.

    Sarah and the small lion were such good friends that the storyteller was calling it the highest level of friendship.

    But Sara had a mother en the small lion too.

    One day, the lioness, very hungry, walking in the jungle, met the mother of Sara. (As far as I know, she didn’t use no salt, no pepper, and no mayonnaise).

    When Sara knew what happened, she was very sad. She sat alone and started crying. The small lion came to her and ask what happened.

    “I’m crying,” said Sara, “because your mother has killed mine.”

    The small lion felt a big pain in his heart. He went in the jungle and there, he dig a big hole. Inside that hole, he put guns, knifes, snakes, missiles Skuds and Patriots.

    He coved the hole with branches and sand. Then he called his mother who came, felt in the hole and got dead.

    He went to Sara and told her what he had done.

    But Sara was still crying. And the small lion, thinking of his own mother which is also a deep relationship, started also to cry. (The poet said : “Love of a mother, love that no one forgets, marvellous bread that God shares and multiply!”)

    The small lion was crying and singing : “Sara why do you cry? O Sara why do you cry? My mother has killed yours and I’ve killed mine to please you. So Sara, why do you cry?”

    Ever since that day, Sara never cried again and the small lion neither.

    Some years later, the small lion became a man, a handsome prince. He married Sara. They lived very long together and had many lovely children.

    Messages : 9166
    Age : 76
    Date de naissance : 23/05/1947
    Profession : cultivatrice
    Points : 8828

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Nemie 2007-04-30, 09:51

    par quel miracle notre petit lion s'est -il transformé en homme en tout cas leur amitié est trés forte
    Man Dofbi

    Messages : 377
    Age : 110
    Date de naissance : 01/07/1913
    Profession : Lu ma ci xam ?
    Points : 5

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Man Dofbi 2007-04-30, 10:01

    Neman, j'ai oublié de dire qu'il fut aussi beau et classe que moi. Haha !rétaane
    Dans les contes, tout est possible.
    Seulement, je ne retrouve pas les textes que j'avais "écrits" en français. Je n'ai que de l'anglais boiteux et du néerlandais tout aussi boiteux.

    Messages : 9166
    Age : 76
    Date de naissance : 23/05/1947
    Profession : cultivatrice
    Points : 8828

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Nemie 2007-04-30, 10:09

    hahaha ça m'étonne pas de toi Man Nit Ki ne parle que de toi rétaane Donc ce sont tes propres textes monkey
    Man Dofbi

    Messages : 377
    Age : 110
    Date de naissance : 01/07/1913
    Profession : Lu ma ci xam ?
    Points : 5

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Man Dofbi 2007-04-30, 10:19

    Nemam a écrit:hahaha ça m'étonne pas de toi Man Nit Ki ne parle que de toi rétaane Donc ce sont tes propres textes monkey
    Pas tous. Il m'arrive d'écrire des contes, mais souvent je reprends, à ma façon, ceux que j'entendais quand j'étais petit.

    Messages : 9166
    Age : 76
    Date de naissance : 23/05/1947
    Profession : cultivatrice
    Points : 8828

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Nemie 2007-04-30, 10:24

    ah ok ils sont réussis en tout cas trés captivant et intéressants. Tu n'as pas un texte sur mame Kumba bang c'est le rab de st louis.
    Man Dofbi

    Messages : 377
    Age : 110
    Date de naissance : 01/07/1913
    Profession : Lu ma ci xam ?
    Points : 5

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Man Dofbi 2007-04-30, 10:34

    Nemam a écrit:ah ok ils sont réussis en tout cas trés captivant et intéressants. Tu n'as pas un texte sur mame Kumba bang c'est le rab de st louis.
    Pas encore, mais donne-moi quelques pistes pour en créer un.

    Messages : 9166
    Age : 76
    Date de naissance : 23/05/1947
    Profession : cultivatrice
    Points : 8828

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Nemie 2007-04-30, 10:43

    je ne connais pas grand chose d'elle malheureusement. je crois qu'elle vivait dans le fleuve, je me rappelle qu'en sixiéme notre prof de dessin nous demander d'écrire une histoire sur elle et d'en faire un dessin. Alors on déssinait une crétaure en forme de siréne avec une grosse tête de diable Ehey . Il y'avait aussi un vieux qui demandait de l'aumône pour elle ave lequel il faisait des sacrifices dans le fleuve, on disait que c'était pour éviter les noyades car qq fois il y'n avait bcp. mais maintenant il est mort et je ne crois pas que qqu'un ait repris le relais.
    J'aimerais bien connaître une histoire sur elle.
    Man Dofbi

    Messages : 377
    Age : 110
    Date de naissance : 01/07/1913
    Profession : Lu ma ci xam ?
    Points : 5

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Man Dofbi 2007-04-30, 14:25

    Attendons Petit thiam, il doit se souvenir des histoires que lui racontait sa grand-mère.
    Man Dofbi

    Messages : 377
    Age : 110
    Date de naissance : 01/07/1913
    Profession : Lu ma ci xam ?
    Points : 5

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Man Dofbi 2007-05-01, 08:20

    Pour Kayla, sama jarbaat. sorry for the poor english.


    What you like or find delicious is not always good for you.

    The story of Ngor-beans is going to tell us something about it.

    His name was Ngor but people were calling him Ngor-beans because he was extremely fond of beans. He was a young man that could eat beans all day long. He could travel for days, for weeks, just to find beans. He could do anything or pay any price to get beans.

    But the problem was that anytime he ate beans he could not help fatting.

    One day he decided to go to a village nearby and ask to be married with a nice girl that lived there. He put on his nicest clothes, put a lot of money in his pocket and took his horse.

    Before he left, his mother told him : “Ngor, now you are going to find a wife. I know you are a nice boy but I must give you one advice : “Don’t eat beans. No matter how big is the temptation, don’t ask for beans. And if they propose beans to you, say : “No, thanks.”

    “That’s what I’ll do, mother”, said Ngor and he went away.

    When he arrived, his bribe and her family received him very good and treated him like a prince. A big party was organised for the wedding. There was a lot of food, drinks, music, anything you can imagine.

    There were also some beans. First Ngor said to himself that he was not going to touch them. But he couldn’t stop looking at them. At a moment, he said : “I’m just going to take one.” He took one and ate it. Then he took another one and another one and another one… At the end, he spent the whole day eating beans.

    In the night, when he was in bed with his wife, he suddenly “Ngelawal”. Puuuttt !!!

    But in that village where he was, the people could not keep a secret. Anything that one knows, he must tell it to somebody else. Otherwise, the secret in him becomes a pain in his belly.

    First, the wife did as if she didn’t hear the “ngelawal”. But soon she started having pain in her belly. After a while, she said to Ngor : “I must go to the W.C. I’ll be back soon.” She went to her mother and said : “Mother, I have to tell you something.”

    - What is it?

    - You know Ngor has just ngelawal.

    “Was that all?”, said the mother, “Oh, my daughter, what’s wrong with you? It’s your wedding day and you have nothing else to tell me that your husband has ngelawal ? Go back to your room and let me sleep.”

    The daughter felt ashamed and went back to her room. The mother went to bed but she couldn’t sleep. She had pain in a belly. After a while she said to the father: “Are you sleeping?”

    - Not yet.

    - I have to tell you something.

    - What is it?

    “Well”, said the mother, “it’s nothing serious or important. Our daughter has told me that her husband has ngelawal.”

    The father got angry. “What? Are you creasy ? Is that all you have to tell me? Let me sleep and keep your stupid talks for yourself.”

    He tried to sleep but he could not. He had pain in his belly. He was turning in his bed, saying : “Ah! These women!” But the pain kept on getting bigger. At a moment he couldn’t hold it anymore. He got up put on his clothes and went to the king.

    The king was sleeping. He woke him up and said : “I have to tell you something. The husband of my daughter has ngelawal when he went to bed.”

    “What?” said the king, very furious, “How dare you waking me up just to tell me such a nonsense ? If ever you do it again, I’ll kill you or put you in jail for the rest of your live. Now, get out of my sigh!”

    The king went back to bed but soon he started feeling a big pain in his belly. He could not sleep at all. At the end, he called his gewel, and ordered him to tell the secret to the whole village.

    The gewel took his drum and started walking in the streets, playing and shouting very loud : “Listen, everybody! This is a message of the king! This evening, the one called Ngor, who came to our village to marry one of our daughters has ngelawal, went he was going to bed.

    He was shouting so loud that you could hear him in all the villages around.

    The mother of Ngor heard the message and said : “Shame on us! My son didn’t follow my advice.”

    Ngor felt so ashamed that he went out in the middle of the night and ran away.

    He went afterwards to get married in a very far country where no one knew his story. And he decided never to eat beans again.


    Ngor did not want to eat beans anymore. Nobody could make him eat beans, no one at all.

    One day his wife said : “Me, I’m going to do it.”

    She waited until Ngor was in a very good mood. She cooked some beans and brought them to him. “Darling”, she said, “I’ve made food, especially for you.”

    “You know well that I don’t eat beans”, replayed Ngor.

    “Please, darling do it for me. We are the only ones here, nobody than me is seeing you…”

    She insisted and insisted. At the end Ngor asked her : “Do you have a closed friend to who you never hide a secret?”

    She said : “Yes, my friend Aminta.”

    “Go and call your friend Aminta”, said Ngor.

    She went and called Aminta. Ngor said : “Aminta, do you have a closed friend to who you never hide a secret?”

    Aminta said : “Yes, my friend Sadio.”

    - Go and call her.

    When Sadio came, Ngor asked the same question.

    - Yes, my brother Lamine.

    - Go and call him.

    Anytime someone arrived Ngor was asking the same question. At the end, the house was full of people. The whole village was there.

    Ngor said to his wife : “Well, darling, this is the reason why I’m not going to eat your beans.”


    Messages : 1848
    Age : 33
    Date de naissance : 27/12/1990
    Profession : Etudiante
    Points : 11

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Kayla 2007-05-01, 08:32

    poor ngor héhé
    Abssiss BABISTO
    Abssiss BABISTO

    Messages : 13755
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    Points : 13564

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    Message par Abssiss BABISTO 2007-05-01, 16:01

    Man Dofbi a écrit:Attendons Petit thiam, il doit se souvenir des histoires que lui racontait sa grand-mère.
    Ehey Oui oui elle m'en a raconté plein plein !!
    Mais comme j'ai été "précocement" intéressé par ces trucs-là rék avec les "xale yu jigeen" eh ben ça rentrait par l'oreille de droite pour échouer dans celle de la gauche ndeysaan Crying or Very sad pale !

    Ils étaient très très intéressants mais je captais bien mieux ce qu'elle me disait sur les trucs de traditions, cultures, coutumes etc et les contes, j'avais vraiment rapidement saisi (très tôt quoi) que c'était des "histoires à dormir sur la verticale Ehey " que c'était "inventé quoi" donc j'aimais bien, ça me faisait frissonner et tout et tout mais c'est les discussions sur le "réel" qui m'attiraient le plus, qui me passionnaient le plus Embarassed !

    Mais dara, je vais voir si je parviendrais à sortir quelques trucs en "leeb" Smile !

    Pour les tiens je suis disqualifié car l'anglais comme le neerlandais c'est pas ma tasse de "café" Ehey !
    Je pouvais faire comme nemam sax ndaxam de waay te dara du ma ci fekk, waaye je me dis juste que c'est mieux comme ça Ehey !
    Nemam elle fait semblant de comprendre mais tuss, rien, nada, elle ne capte que dale héhé !

    Ok j'y vais ! mess

    Messages : 9166
    Age : 76
    Date de naissance : 23/05/1947
    Profession : cultivatrice
    Points : 8828

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    Message par Nemie 2007-05-01, 16:43

    THIAM Babel a écrit:Nemam elle fait semblant de comprendre mais tuss, rien, nada, elle ne capte que dale héhé !

    Ok j'y vais ! mess

    héhé héhé balnala mala tané héhé
    Man Nit Ki
    Man Nit Ki

    Messages : 580
    Age : 113
    Date de naissance : 10/10/1910
    Profession : Sais pas, moi.
    Points : 0

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    Message par Man Nit Ki 2007-05-10, 05:58

    A Honey qui me fait la gueule, je signale que je suis Sugar.

    Xam ngéén lan ?
    Lem ak Suukar da ñoo xuloowoon.
    Lem di wër di bakku, naan "Bilaay maa neex !"
    Suukar ne ko : "Moo yow Lem, loo saf bay bakku ?"
    Lem xalaat ba mu yagg, ne ko :
    "Xanaa suukar."
    Abssiss BABISTO
    Abssiss BABISTO

    Messages : 13755
    Age : 40
    Date de naissance : 09/09/1983
    Profession : Séetankatou télé
    Points : 13564

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    Message par Abssiss BABISTO 2007-05-11, 07:36

    héhé héhé héhé héhé héhé Hier j'ai croisé un centro (centrafricain) qui m'a avoué être plus fort que la Force elle-même !
    Il était soul, sinon ça ferait un débat certainement mais bon.......peut-etre que Honey se soule tout le temps héhé héhé héhé héhé héhé

    Messages : 9166
    Age : 76
    Date de naissance : 23/05/1947
    Profession : cultivatrice
    Points : 8828

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    Message par Nemie 2007-05-11, 07:43

    héhé héhé man Nit Ki cont bi nexkhna héhé
    maman gaye
    maman gaye

    Messages : 572
    Age : 35
    Date de naissance : 02/10/1988
    Profession : élève
    Points : 3

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    Message par maman gaye 2007-05-25, 07:29

    Ehey je salu tou le monde .j sui nouvelle ds se site alor avo bic .gro bisou a tou le monde
    Abssiss BABISTO
    Abssiss BABISTO

    Messages : 13755
    Age : 40
    Date de naissance : 09/09/1983
    Profession : Séetankatou télé
    Points : 13564

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Abssiss BABISTO 2007-05-25, 07:39

    maman gaye a écrit:Ehey je salu tou le monde .j sui nouvelle ds se site alor avo bic .gro bisou a tou le monde
    Bienvenue mais essai de te présenter en 2mots dans le salon de bienvenue !
    N'oublie pas non plus ton "BIC" car t'en auras besoin !!

    Vas-y j'ai des choses à te révéler et ça ne peut se passer en dehors du SALON DE BIENVENUE !
    Man Nit Ki
    Man Nit Ki

    Messages : 580
    Age : 113
    Date de naissance : 10/10/1910
    Profession : Sais pas, moi.
    Points : 0

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    Message par Man Nit Ki 2007-06-30, 11:06

    Qui connait le conte de Kumba am ndey et Kumba amul ndey ?

    Messages : 292
    Age : 56
    Date de naissance : 18/03/1968
    Profession : Etudiant
    Points : 9

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    Message par Admin 2007-07-06, 14:51 mais je l'ai oublié, alors si ça ne te dérange pas, un petit rappel plizz Embarassed
    Man Nit Ki
    Man Nit Ki

    Messages : 580
    Age : 113
    Date de naissance : 10/10/1910
    Profession : Sais pas, moi.
    Points : 0

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Man Nit Ki 2007-07-07, 20:48

    C'est un conte international, avec quelques variantes.
    C'est un des contes les plus populaires en Europe.
    Je veux bien raconter, mais là, tout lé monde il est dormir. Ehey
    Abscisse BABISTO
    Abscisse BABISTO

    Messages : 8652
    Age : 78
    Date de naissance : 04/02/1946
    Profession : Tueur
    Points : 16109

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    Message par Abscisse BABISTO 2007-07-07, 20:59


    Racontéel silé réwéyé ilé vouwaar héhé héhé héhé
    Man Nit Ki
    Man Nit Ki

    Messages : 580
    Age : 113
    Date de naissance : 10/10/1910
    Profession : Sais pas, moi.
    Points : 0

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    Message par Man Nit Ki 2007-07-07, 21:08

    En wolof ou en français ?

    Messages : 1889
    Age : 53
    Date de naissance : 03/02/1971
    Profession : a la maison
    Points : 18

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    Message par maryposa 2007-07-07, 21:15

    en français bien sur !!!! Wink lol hihihi !!!
    Man Nit Ki
    Man Nit Ki

    Messages : 580
    Age : 113
    Date de naissance : 10/10/1910
    Profession : Sais pas, moi.
    Points : 0

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    Message par Man Nit Ki 2007-07-07, 21:19

    C'est un peu comme "Le pagne noir" (Bernard Dadié de la côte d'Ivoire), ou Sandrion. En Hollande, quand je commence le conte, les enfants me disent souvent : "C'est asther pusser" (Suis pas sûr de l'ortho. hahaha)
    Man Nit Ki
    Man Nit Ki

    Messages : 580
    Age : 113
    Date de naissance : 10/10/1910
    Profession : Sais pas, moi.
    Points : 0

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    Message par Man Nit Ki 2007-07-07, 21:27

    C'est l'histoire de deux Coumba. Deux petites filles...
    Man Nit Ki
    Man Nit Ki

    Messages : 580
    Age : 113
    Date de naissance : 10/10/1910
    Profession : Sais pas, moi.
    Points : 0

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Man Nit Ki 2007-07-07, 21:38

    Comme personne n'écoute, je me casse.
    Man Dofbi viendra vous raconter la suite.
    Abscisse BABISTO
    Abscisse BABISTO

    Messages : 8652
    Age : 78
    Date de naissance : 04/02/1946
    Profession : Tueur
    Points : 16109

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Abscisse BABISTO 2007-07-07, 22:52

    héhé héhé héhé non ji siwi là mouwaa rétaane

    Messages : 8196
    Age : 33
    Date de naissance : 22/12/1990
    Points : 12980

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    Message par Sweet 2008-07-03, 16:37

    Once upon a time loll
    Taaling taaling ( en mandingue)
    bon c'est un vieux qui est mort dès sa naissance
    Absciss BABISTO
    Absciss BABISTO

    Messages : 23979
    Age : 36
    Date de naissance : 09/09/1987
    Profession : Killer, Shooter
    Points : 41053

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Absciss BABISTO 2008-07-04, 02:05

    C nul ..... What a Face

    Messages : 8196
    Age : 33
    Date de naissance : 22/12/1990
    Points : 12980

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Sweet 2008-07-04, 09:11

    Excusez moi Mister mais en fait je vois que vous n'avez pas compris que c'est un conte qui développe l'intelligence car il vous invite à vous demander quel est le vieux qui meurt dès sa naissance...
    Absciss BABISTO
    Absciss BABISTO

    Messages : 23979
    Age : 36
    Date de naissance : 09/09/1987
    Profession : Killer, Shooter
    Points : 41053

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Absciss BABISTO 2008-07-04, 09:42

    Tu es nulle manila What a Face , yaw loo déggée? héhé

    Messages : 8196
    Age : 33
    Date de naissance : 22/12/1990
    Points : 12980

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Sweet 2008-07-04, 09:45

    li ngueye dégué mom laye dégué !! Baabel laiisse moi!!
    Man Dofbi

    Messages : 377
    Age : 110
    Date de naissance : 01/07/1913
    Profession : Lu ma ci xam ?
    Points : 5

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Man Dofbi 2008-07-12, 08:10

    Ana xaleey Mbiraago yi ?
    Absciss BABISTO
    Absciss BABISTO

    Messages : 23979
    Age : 36
    Date de naissance : 09/09/1987
    Profession : Killer, Shooter
    Points : 41053

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Absciss BABISTO 2008-07-12, 08:46

    héhé héhé héhé Waa mbiraago dé dém nañu waayé waa marigot ñu ngi fi héhé héhé héhé mess
    Man Dofbi

    Messages : 377
    Age : 110
    Date de naissance : 01/07/1913
    Profession : Lu ma ci xam ?
    Points : 5

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Man Dofbi 2008-07-12, 10:15


    Dans nos contes, c’est souvent Leuk qui joue des tours à Bouki, mais parfois…

    Bii daal, c’était un beau matin.

    Leuk et Bouki décident d’aller à la chasse.

    Leuk avait un arc et des flèches.

    Bouki n’avait qu’un gourdin.

    Ils entrent dans la forêt. Bouki demande :

    - Leuk, que vas-tu chasser ?

    - Tout ce que je trouverai. Et toi ?

    - Moi, je chasse des Mana mana

    - C’est quoi un Mana man ?

    - Tu le sauras quand j’en aurai capturé un.

    La partie de chasse commence. Leuk va faire un tour. Bouki reste sur place. Leuk revient en passant sous les buissons pour dire à Bouki qu’il n’y a pas de proies dans les parages. Ce dernier, avant de le laisser sortir, lui assène un coup de gourdin au crâne. Leuk crie :

    - Bouki, mana ! Mana ! (C’est moi ! C’est moi !)

    Bouki lui répond :

    - Ça tombe bien. Je chasse des Mana mana.
    Absciss BABISTO
    Absciss BABISTO

    Messages : 23979
    Age : 36
    Date de naissance : 09/09/1987
    Profession : Killer, Shooter
    Points : 41053

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Absciss BABISTO 2008-07-12, 10:58

    héhé héhé héhé Bukki mooy jaam dé !

    Bii nak ràb u àll yépp a dajé di kurél. Ndax booba békkoor bi tar na ta dara lu ñu lékk amatul ci àll bi. Ñu ni dañuy dajalé ku nék li nga déncc ci sam sàqq ngir ñu man kooy sédalé cig yaxanal gu diju ci mandargam ñjub ak dëggu .... rétaane (saa walaf yi gueuneu dégueur rétaane dirait l'autre)

    Léegi nak ñépp indi liñ déncoon... éni indi buy, ñi céré, ñi ci dés tigédégé, ñi céeb ak luni mél, ak yuni mél...

    Légi nak Gayndé ÑJAAY saa su xëyée rék dafay laaj kunék loo bëgg, rék mu tibbël la ci.

    Ñuy déf noonu, di ko déf, di ko déf di ko déf ba bénn bés rék Bukki jikkoy saay-saay jiñ ko xamée wuyu séeti ko Ehey !

    Mu xëy rék dém ci ëtt bë, fa ñuy sédëlée dundd gi... Bu àyam agsée rék, mu woo kénéen, ni ko :"kaay jall ba panré ndax sa waa kënr yaw rék la ñuy xaar" (comprenez "kaay jall ba paré ndax sa waa kër yaw rék la ñuy xaar" c'est avec son accent en "on"). Léégi ku ñëw rék jél lénn, dém. Lëk ni céré lë bëg, Mbëtt jél Sunguf, Ségg jél Soow, Téné ni Tigédégé lë bëgg, Mbaam jél céeb, xojog jél sànqqal .... ak yooyu ak yooyu.

    Bi ñépp jallée nak, nijaay Gayndé ni ko, aa Bukki, yaa dés dé, looy jél tay? Rék Bukki ni ko :"Man dé niñjaay gayndé man tay Nganlanx laay ñjél" ("Man dé nijaay gayndé man tay Ngalax laay jél").... héhé héhé héhé !

    Moralité : Pour dribbler les autres congénères bukki décide de prendre un tout regrouper sous un même nom : le Ngalax qui continent, la patte d'arrachide, le couscous, le lait et presque tout.... rétaane !

    Messages : 9166
    Age : 76
    Date de naissance : 23/05/1947
    Profession : cultivatrice
    Points : 8828

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    Message par Nemie 2008-07-14, 02:50

    Man Dofbi de retour,c cool ça
    Bouki néké amna xel di au fait lan moy Téné ak xojog je suppose que que ay bayima lañou wayé lesquels Ehey
    Absciss BABISTO
    Absciss BABISTO

    Messages : 23979
    Age : 36
    Date de naissance : 09/09/1987
    Profession : Killer, Shooter
    Points : 41053

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Absciss BABISTO 2008-07-14, 04:07

    Téné c'est le Puma (je crois)

    Xojog c'est l'Ecureuil (je crois)

    Messages : 9166
    Age : 76
    Date de naissance : 23/05/1947
    Profession : cultivatrice
    Points : 8828

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Nemie 2008-07-14, 07:24

    Merci Babel (je crois)
    Absciss BABISTO
    Absciss BABISTO

    Messages : 23979
    Age : 36
    Date de naissance : 09/09/1987
    Profession : Killer, Shooter
    Points : 41053

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Absciss BABISTO 2008-07-14, 07:43

    Puma ou Panda je ne sais pili rétaane ! Dé riyéng
    Man Dofbi

    Messages : 377
    Age : 110
    Date de naissance : 01/07/1913
    Profession : Lu ma ci xam ?
    Points : 5

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Man Dofbi 2008-07-14, 08:21

    Thiamaass Ehey Je ne connaissais pas ce conte.
    Bouki n'est pas fou dé.
    Mais si tu écris en wolof, les enfants ne feront pas l'effort de lire.

    Téné = guépard.
    et xojox, c'est bien écureuil
    Ceeli = épervier (C'est dans un autre forum)
    Absciss BABISTO
    Absciss BABISTO

    Messages : 23979
    Age : 36
    Date de naissance : 09/09/1987
    Profession : Killer, Shooter
    Points : 41053

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Absciss BABISTO 2008-11-06, 01:46


    Messages : 11910
    Age : 114
    Date de naissance : 26/10/1909
    Profession : nélaw
    Points : 21582

    LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES) - Page 2 Empty Re: LEEBOON !!!! (CONTES)

    Message par Bebeaicha 2008-11-06, 07:58

    Kii béne jiguén bou eumb la, mou dém hopital di accouché fék ay séékh la. gnaari sage femmes yi gneuw, guéné béne dom bi ba pré, mou déss l'autre. mais puisque l'enfant ne pleuré pas, sage femme bi daadi kay giflé rek mou youkhou. au même moment bénééne xalé bi mi ngui wone ci biirou yay bi di sééne nignou giflé kénééne ki. légui nak mou bagna guéne ndakh bougoul gnou giflé ka. sage femme bou sokhor bi khaar khaar, xalé bi guénoul, légui mou daadi dém, ni kissi déss: sou kénééne ki di guéne nga woma! mouni ka ok!
    xalé bi xol, guiss kou sokhor ki dém, mouni kifa déss:
    -piss piss! animou?
    -sage femme bi nika kane?
    -xalé bi nika kou sokhor ki!
    -mounika dém na!
    -kaay dieul ma gaaw balaa mouy gneuw.

    Messages : 2991
    Age : 32
    Date de naissance : 25/11/1991
    Profession : rêveuse
    Points : 1105

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    Message par Tyf 2008-11-06, 10:04


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