Let's try and speak english now !
Are you ready? Ok gooooooooooooo!
Sujet édité par THIAM Babel
Il y a en tout 11 utilisateurs en ligne :: 0 Enregistré, 0 Invisible et 11 Invités :: 1 Moteur de recherche
Le record du nombre d'utilisateurs en ligne est de 339 le 2013-02-14, 14:48
Modou a écrit:sweetgirl,
I got angry with you because you didn't wait for me last night!
THIAM Babel a écrit:Hey Sweet y're too young to discuss with adults in this topic, Modou, move all "attempting" arround to marriages and open another topic for our young sister !
Sweet baby, it's time to sleep, have a good night !
Modou, let's go, what are we to talk about now?
Sweetusher a écrit:See I'm 16 and in the IB system I'm already considered as a high school sophomore and soon as a freshman.
I think I've told you that the IB preparation is for 2 years meaning that I'm kind of be ready for the IB and will be doing it in 1 year and 6 months.
Modou, it's not there fault if one of them doesn't return you your salamalek:popo:Modou a écrit:Sweetgirl, come here and let hal poulari talk their incomprehensible language over there!
Right now I see that this sentence just come to do some effect !!THIAM Babel a écrit:Modou, it's not there fault if one of them doesn't return you your salamalekModou a écrit:Sweetgirl, come here and let hal poulari talk their incomprehensible language over there!
THIAM Babel a écrit:Right now I see that this sentence just come to do some effect !!THIAM Babel a écrit:Modou, it's not there fault if one of them doesn't return you your salamalekModou a écrit:Sweetgirl, come here and let hal poulari talk their incomprehensible language over there!
Modou a écrit:No, I do not agree with you Sweetgirl! Consumers of tobacco know pertinently that it is harmful to their health and reduces the level of their bank account. They know that they gain almost nothing by taking it but they cannot prevent themselves any more from taking it because being now tobacco addicts.
THIAM Babel a écrit:Ok let's talk about smoking
Sasi a écrit:THIAM Babel a écrit:Ok let's talk about smoking
so no anywhere public even in clubs!
Sweetusher a écrit:Can we end up this smoking stuff discussion pleaaaaaaaaaassssssseeeee!! ( Just make me wanna pulk hearing it)!
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